Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Exhibition Intro

Exhibition Intro:  Pottery experience through creativity.
Title of the Exhibition:Pottery experience through creativity.
List of artists who are showing in the exhibition-Pablo Picasso, Hirschfield, Niobid, Novios, Sayf al-Din Tuquztimur,  Exekias, Kleophrades, Andokides and Reiner of Huy 
Exhibition Statement:
This show is about creativity through pottery sculpture. Pottery is challenging in that it is a multi step process to create the pot or vase, but also another challenge to depict imagery and experience on the outside. The primary theme revolves around early Greek artist but also an experience from different cultures including Sayf al-Din Tuquztimur and his creative lamp. Different techniques and styles are utilized in creating pottery and many artist challenge themselves and one another in

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